Tracy McNally

0402 007 940
Tracy McNally is an emerging fibre artist who uses wool felting techniques and natural found objects to create glimpses of fantastical worlds. Her enchanting creatures are displayed within snippets of biomes where mushrooms and mosses grow among ancient crystals.

Her work evokes the child-like joy of discovering bugs in the garden and starfish in rock pools, while hinting at the deep connection between creatures and their natural habitats. The whimsical content, displayed similarly to vintage dome taxidermy and curiosities, blurs the line between the natural and fantastical.

Tracy has 5 pieces in total for SALA ‘24:
3 in glass domes, (27cm H by 15cm W), one in a glass house (20cm H by 27cm W by 15cm D) and one piece 50cm H by 15cm W. These can be displayed throughout the venue, grouped or as a display with additional staging items such as vintage books to create a single visually appealing exhibit.

I would love to be part of a group exhibition or as a stand alone exhibit.
Click images to enlarge.